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How do I link my FishingBooker calendars?

    If you have one boat but manage multiple listings in different locations or if you are a single person managing multiple boats, linking your calendars can be a game-changer, offering you a more efficient and organized approach to handling reservations. This feature is designed to help you coordinate bookings across your various listings.

    To link your calendars, follow these steps:

    1. Go to one of your FishingBooker calendars.
    2. If you are on your phone, click the Settings icon. If you are on a computer, skip this step.
    3. Click Link FishingBooker calendars.
    4. Click Create New Group.
    5. Select the calendars of listings you want to link and enter a name for your calendar group. You can have multiple groups for different listings, so the name can help you differentiate them.
    6. Click Create.

    You can edit your linked calendars or delete the groups at any time. 

    Days that are blocked will now be synchronized across all linked calendars. Also, once you block a day on one listing, you will be prompted to choose whether you'd like to block the same day on your other linked calendars. You will have the option to block that particular day on that one or all listings that are linked. 

    This feature is only accessible when blocking the entire day, not for each individual trip, and won't apply when opening a day on a linked listing. 

    If you're interested in syncing your FishingBooker calendar(s) with another online calendar, check out these two articles: How do I connect my calendar with Google Calendar & How do I import my online calendar to my FishingBooker calendar.



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