The "Invite to Book" feature is designed to help captains receive additional trips at no cost. This powerful tool allows you to reach out to your customers directly and invite them to book a trip with you. Once you do, customers receive a secure link to your personal booking page.
Key Benefits
Re-engage old customers: Send trip invitations to people you've taken out before and watch your return business grow.
Secure new bookings: When somebody calls to book, you now have an easy way to convert the agreement into an actual booking. Just send them your link via Invite to book, and secure the booking. Once the trip is booked, it appears on your FishingBooker app and calendar.
- Invite in bulk: If you have open spots in your calendar, you can use Invite to book to send multiple invites at once. You can do this by entering numbers manually, or by accessing your phone contacts. Tip: make sure you include the country code (+1 for US) before the actual number.
You can access the Invite to book feature through your Direct Bookings page: