If you've received a booking for a time that you're unavailable, or if you need to decline due to bad weather, you don't need to miss out on taking the customer fishing. It's always a good idea to offer alternative dates instead, so that you can keep the booking.
You can offer alternative dates or time slots to the customer via our Instant Messaging system. Once you go to decline the booking request, you'll see the option to contact the customer directly to offer alternative dates.
Please note, after a booking request is made, you have 24 hours to accept or decline. If you do not respond, the request will be automatically declined.
To offer an alternative date or time slot, follow these steps:
- Find the pending booking request.
- Click Decline.
- Select a reason.
- Click on Message Customer to open an Instant Messaging conversation where you can offer the customer alternative dates.
- Once you have agreed on a date and time with the customer, ask your customer to request a change to the booking
- Confirm the change request.
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In the event that you are unable to agree with the customer on a new date within 24 hours, you can Create a new offer. After agreeing on a time and date with your customer, follow these steps:
- Find the automatically declined booking.
- Click Create new offer.